Saturday, September 24, 2005

Warning Signs of a Drinking Problem

No single sign identifies a
problem drinker, but a pattern of behaviors can indicate a problem:

  • Loss of Control -
    attempts to cut down or control drinking fail. Repeated promises to
    "be more careful" or to "cut down on drinking." Gets
    drunk when intending to stay sober.

  • Black Outs - unable
    to recall all or part of a drinking episode. Doesn't remember what was
    said or done when drunk (blacking out is different from passing out).

  • Increased Tolerance
    - needs more alcohol than before to get the same effects. Tolerance
    increases after repeated high use drinking.

  • Drinking Causes Problems
    - continues drinking even though it causes academic, legal, health,
    financial, or relationship problems.

  • Personality Changes When
    - a normally nice person, becomes mean or abusive when

  • Neglects
    - absent or late for classes, meetings, appointments,
    or work due to hangovers or intoxication.

  • Preoccupation with
    - frequently thinks about drinking. Gives up activities that
    don't involve drinking. Avoids socializing with friends who don't drink.

  • Pre-Partying -
    drinks alcohol before going to a party where alcohol will be served. Also,
    "chugs" drinks to get drunk as quickly as possible. May also
    sneak drinks so others don't know how much he/she is really drinking.

  • Denial and Minimizing
    - claims not to drink excessively, despite evidence to the contrary.
    Minimizes the amount of drinking ("I only had a couple of
    drinks"). Avoids talking about his/her own drinking. Justifies
    drinking and tries to characterize it as normal, despite problems.

  • Susceptible to
    Accidents, Injuries, or Illnesses
    - more likely to be hurt in falls,
    in fights, or by "bumping" into things.

  • Drinking to Feel Normal
    - drinks to cope, to escape from problems, to solve a problem, or to feel
    like everyone else.

  • Drinking to Start the
    - drinks when getting up in the morning to control tremors or
    shakes after drinking the night before.