"The word Gout is from Latin and it means drop. Known as "the disease of kings and the king of diseases," gout has been studied by physicians and has caused suffering in countless humans at least since the days of Hippocrates."
What to do, if you have gout?
Avoid alcohol. It increases uric acid accumulation.
Reduce intake of roasted food and food without Vitamin E. . . Lack of Vitamin E has been linked with a rise in uric acid.
Drink plenty of water.
Eat raw fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds and nuts.
Avoid eating meat as it is rich in uric acid forming components.
from Medindia
"The word Gout is from Latin and it means drop. Known as "the disease of kings and the king of diseases," gout has been studied by physicians and has caused suffering in countless humans at least since the days of Hippocrates."
What to do, if you have gout?

from Medindia
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