I woke up with a dream of riding the bus. The driver was mean to all the people who were riding on the bus. When each person got on, the driver would make some comment to insult him or her. The dream was inspired by the concert Masha and Peter attended last night. Skipper's Smoke House hosted The Mahotella Queens from South Africa. Masha mentioned their social history after she and Peter returned. In my dream, the bus driver threw my bongo drums off and wouldn't allow any black people on. The Mahotella Queens formed in 1964- about the same time as the civil rights movement happened over here. What struck me was the fact that the South Africans overthrew Apartheid and elected Nelson Mandela. So here we are with the Bush family and the bad Republicans. `I suppose that it's not so hopeless after all. The dream ended with radio playing a song with the words "I fondle myself," repeated as a chorus. I guess dreams don't have to make sense. I'm also sorry that I missed that show.
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